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Placement Year

BA (Hons) Media Production

Clearing can be a daunting experience when results day comes. Here are my top tips to help prepare for clearing with minimal stress.

Tip 1 – Be Prepared

Check what you need before calling anywhere, and be ready with all the information. This will help the person on the phone make your application smoothly. You can find checklists on the universities website or UCAS.

Tip 2 – Research and Expression Of Interest Forms

Do your research ahead of the day. It’s important to look at the courses, location, accomodation, and sometimes the entry requirements ahead of applying so you know what you will get. -You can always make enquires with students or the recruitment team about the university and course before making a clearing application so you can make the most of your time before applying through clearing.

Some universities have expression of interest forms, and completing them before results day, can help the person on the phone easily find you in the system.

Tip 3 – Know What to Expect

lots of people call clearing, especially around results day, so you might have to wait, and you might have to call other places. Knowing what expect ahead of the day can help you to try to remain calm. (Don’t be too rushed, you’ll want to keep an open mind. Its good to also check your emails on the day in case the university needs you to do anything)

Tip 4 – Keeping An Open Mind

It’s important to know what you’re looking for, but also to be prepared to make sacrifices. You might not find exactly what you’re looking for, but its best to try and prioritise what will be best for your journey and your experiences.

Tip 5 – Look at the Wider Picture

It’s good to look at the journey that you have already made. Sometimes there is a course you were previously considering that may be offering spaces, or it’s worth completing a Foundation Year as a good place to start if you’re not sure what university or course is for you.

I hope you found these tips helpful and good luck with Clearing!

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