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Emily is currently studying BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice at Bournemouth University.  

Here we asked her a series of questions to find out more about her course, placement experience and life in theatres……

Student Emily in scrubs during a placement

ODP student Emily on placement

Why did you choose to study ODP at BU?

I love Bournemouth as a place, but the Uni has great facilities for student ODPs, like the simulation theatre. Our ODP teaching team are also amazing.

What was your favourite placement so far and why? 

I loved my scrub placement, I love being involved in surgery and seeing anatomy when it’s not in a textbook! Saying this, I’ve enjoyed all my placements so far.

How important is it that the academics teaching on ODP are current practitioners? 

I think it’s really important. It makes them super relatable, and it allows them to be as up to date on current practice as we are!

How would you describe the work of an ODP for those who aren’t familiar with the job role……

3 disciplines: Scrub, Anaesthetics and Recovery… all challenging in different ways, but caring for people in theatres (and ODP roles outside of theatres) is exciting, always busy and most of all extremely rewarding. You always end the day hoping that you’ve made a difference to somebody

What advice would you give someone who wanted to apply for an ODP course? 

Do your research and make sure you know what the role entails. If possible, try and get inside an operating theatre beforehand to make sure it’s the right environment for you. Although there are roles outside of theatre for ODPs, all the training is more or less within theatre so it’s a good idea to have a head start and get a feel for it!


If you are interested in learning more about our BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice or our apprenticeship option, BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice (Degree Apprenticeship) then come and meet the team at our next Open Day.



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