Ogechi Aikohi Produced by
from Nigeria

Management with Business Analytics

Beginning a new life in a new country is like setting sail on uncharted waters—exciting, nerve-wracking, and brimming with possibilities. For me, that journey began with a leap of faith from a six-year operations career in Nigeria to the vibrant halls of Bournemouth University (BU), where my tech dreams awaited me.

Heathrow AirportAfter six years of navigating the intricacies of operations in the non-profit field, I decided it was time for a change. Armed with a degree in International Relations, I set my sights on BU’s Management with Business Analytics program, envisioning a future in the dynamic world of technology and business.

Transitioning from the workforce to academia was new and frightening. But BU’s exceptional delivery of the curriculum quickly put me at ease. The teaching techniques were innovative, the curriculum was meticulously broken down, and the support was unparalleled. Before I knew it, I was fully immersed in the BU experience, equipped with a toolkit of skills ready to tackle the challenges of the tech world.

But BU is more than just lectures and textbooks—it’s a treasure trove of opportunities. With access to various business academic platforms, research resources, and the unwavering support of the Business School library, the possibilities were endless. Every class, every project, and every interaction enriched my learning journey, preparing me for the road ahead.

One of the most remarkable aspects of BU is its embrace of mature students like myself. Moving to a new city after spending my entire life in Nigeria was daunting, but the warm welcome from the BU community made it feel like home. Making friends with other mature students was a game-changer, making easier for me to settle in and adopt similar strategies that worked for them.

Traveling via air to BournemouthOf course, taking a hiatus from a stable career to pursue a Master’s program was no easy feat. There were moments of doubt, moments of uncertainty, but through it all, I knew it was a worthwhile endeavour. The challenges I faced, the victories I celebrated, and the friendships I forged along the way made every step of this journey a thrilling ride I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Whether you’re contemplating a career shift, considering further education, or simply seeking a new chapter in life, know this: the journey may be daunting, but the rewards are immeasurable.

So, here’s to chasing dreams, defying expectations, and embracing the thrill of the unknown—cheers to the BU experience!

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