Produced by Guest blogger

Training to be a midwife is a tough but rewarding journey, whereby we as students encounter physical, mental and emotional challenges on a regular basis. Part of our studies include reflecting on our experiences, whether happy or sad and sharing these moments with our peers through a ‘story sharing’ platform of our choice.
On this occasion, I chose to write a poem about my experience with a lady who came into the maternity unit alone and in labour. The trust and bond we built in a very short space of time moved me deeply and I felt so privileged to be able to stay with her throughout the birth of her baby and beyond.
A common misconception regarding being a midwife is that we cuddle babies for a living. Midwifery is so much more than that, it is about being with women through the most extraordinary and life-changing time in their lives; supporting and guiding them into motherhood.
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