I cannot believe how quickly the last 4 years have passed, I finished my degree last month! Therefore, I think it’s the best time to look back at my experience and share some things that I wish I knew before starting my journey.
- It’s extremely easy to make friends
One of the main worries before starting uni was leaving all of my friends behind and not having anyone in Bournemouth. I wish I knew back then, how easy it was to make friends. Each day I met lots of new people, especially during freshers. I even made friends with someone on the bus back from uni on the first day.
- Be clever with money
Before I started university I was petrified of constantly living in my overdraft. There were a few horror stories I’d heard. However, I have managed to avoid that by simply being careful with money e.g. making my own lunch instead of getting a meal deal or doing my weekly shop in some cheaper shops. Having a part time job helped too. However, don’t sacrifice your degree over a job, find something flexible. I became a Student Ambassador and a PAL Leader.
- You will get homesick
I really missed my friends and family at times but having social media and phones helps a lot as whenever I felt homesick I could just call them. Another thing that helped was having lots of pictures around my room.
- Time flies when you’re having fun
I never believed people when they said that the 4 years would go really quickly. Unfortunately, they were right! I can’t believe I have already finished uni! It feels like I have only just started and I can still remember my first day so clearly. And here is a little tip for you – make the most of every single day at uni!!
- Don’t get overexcited about buying kitchen stuff
You might want to wait until you move into your uni flat/house before buying all pots and pans etc. Talk to your flatmates first as you might want to share them all. We ended up with so many spare things we struggled with space.
- You will end up doing an all-nighter at least once
Even though, you might think you are a very organised person you will end up working throughout a whole night at least once during your uni time. I have done it a fair few times and Open Access has been my second home at times especially before my dissertation deadline. So many good memories.
- Cooking is fun
I have explored cooking and really enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen even if it was a disaster sometimes – like the time I tried making sweet potato brownies as a healthy alternative. On the other hand, there have been some successful stories e.g. I know how to make sushi now.
- Find your way of dealing with stress
Being at uni is quite stressful at times especially just before deadlines or exams but you just need to find the best way of finding your happy place and relaxing. Going to the gym and long walks along the beach worked for me.
- You will make life long friends
I’ve met some truly amazing people along the way and I know I will be friends with them for a really, really long time and hopefully forever.

- You will have the best time ever
Knowing that I have now finished uni makes me so sad as I truly believe I had the best time ever, over the last 4 years. Even though, it has been stressful at times I loved every minute and I would happily do it all again. I have so many amazing memories to look back on.
Bournemouth I will miss you!!!!!