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1. Sign up for University-Sponsored Trips
Typically, once a month there will be a uni trip that is led by Discover Dorset. This is a good and safe way to get out of Bournemouth and see some sights. The tour will start off with the guide pointing out interesting things along the drive. Then, there’s a walking tour that last about 60 minutes. The guide points out different historical sites and museums that you might want to see, while telling you the significance and background. After the tour, the guide will give you around 3 hours to explore the city/town for yourself. Afterwards, you meet up and head back to Bournemouth.
2. Live in University Housing for the first year
I always recommend University housing for the first year. It makes moving to a new country a lot less stressful because you won’t be worried about how you’re getting to campus, whether the flat is in a good area, or how to find flatmates. There are so many events that your house will hold and you’ll be able to make friends, learn about other cultures, and just go through the uni experience with others. Plus, you instantly have 4-6 people to get dinner with, explore Bournemouth with, and go dancing with. And if you get along with them, you just found your flatmates for years 2 and 3.
3. Go to course support seminars
The support seminars are wonderful if they’re offered. It’s often a time to ask questions that you might have about the course and what’s expected of you. If you’re lucky then you’ll also be able to ask questions about the course assignments that are due. These support sessions are perfect for helping you adapt to the different curriculum standards. If your course does not have support seminars then you can always visit the library for academic support as well.
4. Join a couple clubs
Join some clubs and societies. Not only do these look phenomenal on your resume/CV but it’s a great way to meet people. Plus, clubs are fun. They are filled with meetings, excursions, trips, and generally lots of food.
5. Meet as many people as possible
And, of course, my #1 tip: Meet as many people as possible. The people you go to uni with will be your next prime ministers, fortune 500 CEOs, movie stars, teachers, nurses, doctors, etc. When I see someone I went to uni with doing so well, it warms my heart. I know people who are signed to record labels, working on Disney Live Action films, owning their own businesses and it’s great. We’ve all played a role in each other’s success. Plus, people are what makes the experience; and BU is filled with unforgettable experiences.