For me, it was instant. As soon as I arrived at Bournemouth for the open day, I fell in love and knew that it was the right uni for me!
Not everyone’s as lucky though, it’s not always that easy, and picking your university is one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make. So, here are my top tips on how to make the most out of open days:
- Plan your journey – so your day’s off to a smooth start
- Research before you go – have an idea what you want to gain from the day
- Ask questions – this is your best chance to find out information from a first-person account, talking to both lecturers and students (in my case, it was two lecturers that sold me my English course, due to their pure enthusiasm for the subject)
- Look at similar courses – some courses have combined honours or share modules, so look more broadly around the subject you’re interested in
- Go on a campus tour – Get a feel for all of the places you’d be using as a student. Don’t let the size of the campus frighten you, I’m still getting lost a year on
- Experience a lecture – take a seat in a lecture hall and listen to a talk about your course. Try to get involved if they initiate discussion (this is more likely at applicant days), boosting your confidence but also giving you a real insight to this more mature way of learning. Sounds sophisticated, doesn’t it?
- Check out the accommodation – which one’s right for you? Do you want to be on campus, so you can just roll out of bed before a lecture? Or are you one of those people who can only survive with a double bed? Bournemouth have options for everyone
- Try out the campus food – Dylan’s Bar sweet potato fries are a must
- Explore Bournemouth town – don’t just restrict yourself to the uni. My mum and I were lucky enough to visit on a sunny day and walk on the beach, followed by sitting in the Lower Gardens with fresh donuts and a smoothie. At that point, I could certainly imagine living there
- Finally go to as many open days as possible – the more universities you see, the more likely you’ll find the perfect one for you

Good luck!