Produced by Simon Roberts
The School of Health & Social Care (HSC) is located on our Lansdowne Campus near Bournemouth town centre. We have a wealth of modern facilities in which students can study, relax and learn the hands–on skills relevant to their chosen career path. Continual investment ensures that our students receive a relevant and up–to–date learning experience.
Studland House
Studland House is home to the Lansdowne Campus’s Open Access centre and to HSC’s 14 practice skills rooms. Students can visit the open access area 24 hours a day, all year and the building has WiFi for students to use their own laptops.

There are 14 practice skills suites, all of which have equipment which mirrors what students will use in the workplace. They are all equipped with specialist camera equipment so that students can be filmed in their practice sessions and then they can later review how they performed their tasks.
Nursing Skills Rooms
- Rooms designed to replicate the sort of rooms seen in hospitals, nursing homes etc.
- Huge range of up to date equipment to practice with
- Equipment used include equipment for moving and handling e.g. hoists, slings and slide sheets, Injection trainers, mannequins, Patient monitors, syringe drivers, Defibrillators, resus trolley, pocket masks etc.
Midwifery Skills Rooms
- Latest birthing bed which is used in the majority of hospitals that our students go to for placement
- Birthing “couch” kindly donated by the National Childbirth Trust and a birthing pool
- A variety of mannequins including birthing mannequins
- Introduce you to skills such as taking blood and carrying out observations such as temperature, pulse and blood pressure
- You learn how to conduct a normal birth and more complex presentations such as breech birth or face presentation – and what you need to do to keep babies safe
Operating Department Practitioner Skills Rooms
- Equipped to reflect the modern theatre found in both private and NHS hospitals
- Two operating tables and two working anaesthetic machines with full patient monitoring equipment
- Life size mannequins are used to simulate patients
- Practice a full range of surgical skills including: scrubbing, gowning and gloving, preparing surgical trays, draping “patients” to simulate a surgical operation
- Range of monitoring equipment for practicing recovery skills and a range of instrumentation as used in theatres.
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Skills Rooms
- Kitchen: has two areas – a normal height kitchen and one for disabled/wheelchair bound
- Stairs, bathroom, bedroom, shower room and stairs and a ceiling mounted hoist to practice manual handling
- Equipment includes variety of utensils adapted for people coping with short/long term disabilities
- Enables you to understand the necessary skills needed to support patients with a variety of needs
- Able to practice a variety of practical skills related to the treatment of musculoskeletal, cardiac, respiratory and neurological conditions
- Plinths allow you to adjust the bed heights to ensure correct positioning for a safe working practice for yourself and your patients
- Real patients visit from rehabilitation centres for you to practice their skills in a learning environment before going into practice
- Able to practice techniques on each other before practicing on real patients
- Computers allow students to access electronic based learning to support the skills sessions such as Anatomy TV which provides a three-dimensional view of the body where layers of muscles, and ligaments can be removed to examine the deeper structures
- Skeletons are used to teach skeletal anatomy alongside the anatomical models
- Respiratory models and brain anatomy models which are used to practice techniques such as suctioning for respiratory care
- Full body simulator models which make sounds in response to treatments are also used to simulate treatment of patients within and intensive care unit.
Occupational Therapy Skills Rooms
- Used for exploring creative skills
- Wet room used to practice “wet skills” including splinting.
Other facilities include:
- Open Access Centre
- New student hub area
- Laptop purchase scheme
- Student Support Tutor
- The askBU current students team
- Study space
- Bournemouth House Library
- ‘Flexible’ space learning room
- SUBU shop
- BoHo Student Lounge
- Labs- new improvement planned
For more information about HSC, the courses we offer and more information on facilities, please visit our website.