Bournemouth University is an incredibly supportive place to be. As soon as I arrived, I felt like I was in a friendly and caring environment, and any time I’ve had a problem – no matter what it is – there has been someone there to advise me. There are a variety of support services on campus that can help you deal with a whole range of issues, so if you’re coming to Bournemouth in September, be sure to look out for them.
My first experience of AskBU was prior to my arrival in Bournemouth. I had some questions about my application, and they have two teams that answer both prospective and current students. Basically, AskBU is here to answer any questions you may have about all aspects of university and provide you with the information you need. If you’re looking for help with something and are not sure where to go, AskBU can point you in the right direction. They’re very friendly, and you can easily drop in to see them on campus or alternatively phone or email.
SUBU Advice
If you have worries about finance, housing, your studies or other personal issues, SUBU Advice can provide you with confidential and non-judgemental advice and help you work through the problem. They can also refer you to one of the other services available if needed.
Additional Learning Support
This is a great service for students who need extra support with their studies due to disability, a learning difficulty or medical condition. If you think you might need this, it’s important to make contact as early as possible, particularly if you require support for your exams.
Student Wellbeing
I can’t speak highly enough of this service. Student Wellbeing provide support for any emotional difficulties you might be experiencing, including homesickness, stress or anxiety. You can talk to a counsellor or simply drop in for some advice and information. They also arrange mindfulness workshops, which I think are fantastic and a great way to look after your mental health.

The Chaplaincy caters for students of all faiths, as well as those who don’t belong to any faith. It’s somewhere you can go to pray, for guidance, to socialise with like-minded people or simply to relax in a quiet space. Everyone is welcome, so if you need some down time, don’t be afraid to drop in.
Medical Centre
One of the first things you should do when you arrive in Bournemouth is register with a GP, and the Medical Centre on campus is undoubtedly the best place. Appointments are available daily and there is also out of hours support for emergencies.
Careers & Employability
The Careers service at BU can help with anything related to your employability. You can speak to an advisor about improving your CV or for advice on the next step after graduation, and there are workshops which focus on improving your skills. You can also search MyCareerHub for job vacancies and placement opportunities. Best of all, this service is available to you for up to three years after graduation.
These are just some of the great support services available at BU, and all are easily accessible and designed to help you get the most from your time here.
By Sarah Stacey