Research seminar – Tuesday 13 June, 16.00
CIPPM: Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management
Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management
Research seminar – Tuesday 13 June, 16.00
The ALAI Congress 2017 was held at the University of Copenhagen on 18-19 May 2017. Ruth Towse was invited to take part and present in the panel on Economics of copyright. Here is professor Towse’s report on the Congress. The ALAI (International Literary and Artistic Association) 2017 conference, title ‘Copyright, to be or not to be’, met… Read more » about Economics of copyright at the ALAI Congress in Copenhagen
Marc Mimler’s case review of the German Federal Constitutional Court’s decision on the permissibility of sampling which is widely used in hip hop and electronic music.
Article of Claudy Op den Kamp published in the University of Western Australia Law Review
Research Seminar – Wednesday 22 February, 16.00. Critical copyright scholarship rightly emphasizes the social costs of ordering cultural production through proprietary intellectual property law regimes…