P. Reeves and D. Mendis, The Current Status and Impact of 3D Printing Within the Industrial Sector: An Analysis of Six Case Studies (London: Intellectual Property Office; 2015)
Download Report here (86 pages).
This is the second of a two-party study (and an executive summary) commissioned and funded by out for the UK Intellectual Property Office and authored by Dr. Phil Reeves (Stratasys Consulting Ltd, formerly Econolyst Ltd) and Dr. Dinusha Mendis.
The shift in manufacturing capability has raised questions relating to intellectual property law. 3D printing now paves the way for modified, replicated and changed parts which could then be shared, used and sold. This clearly has implications for intellectual property owners. This Study produced for the UK Intellectual Property Office presents the second part of a two-part study and represents a series of case studies and interviews from the industrial sector.