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BSc (Hons) Marketing


What’s it like to be a Marketing student at BU? Oli tells us about a day in his life.

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2 Responses to “Oli’s story: A day in the life of a Marketing student”

  1. Akash Tamang

    Hi Oli,

    Great video I just have some few questions if that’s alright. I am coming to study Marketing this September at Bournemouth. I am very excited and nervous. I just wanted to ask I am currently in my gap year what do you think I should do to be prepared for University? And whats the main difference if we had to compare A levels to a degree with regards to exams and course work.
    Thank you so much for the video:)

    • kdanceydowns

      If anyone is interested in seeing Oli’s answer to Akash’s question, please take a look at the comments section of this video on YouTube. You can find it by clicking the YouTube icon on the video above.


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