Student Research Assistants Required

Student Research Assistant – awarded projects
Awarded & submitted bids, Fusion, Fusion Investment Fund, student research
The following is a list of current awarded projects, complete with live job links, for the summer round of the Student Research Assistantship (SRA) scheme:
Dr Anya Chapman – Climate Change and Seaside Piers: Student Research Assistant
Dr Lorraine Brown – Female Muslim tourists in the West
Dr Neelu Seetaram – An investigation of the types of tourism taxes imposed at destinations worldwide
Simon Thomas – An investigation of the placement year on student’s career expectations
Dr Viachaslau Filimonau – Food donations in the UK grocery retail sector – The role of local charities
Dr Viachaslau Filimonau – Tourism and (food) waste – a systematic literature review of an emerging research domain
Please promote these vacancies to students where applicable. All jobs are live on MyCareerHub, our Careers & Employability online careers tool. You will need to use your staff/student credentials to login.
Please do look out for SRA updates on the BU Research Blog.
If you have any questions about this scheme, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser (KTP and Student Projects) on 61347 or email
– See more at:

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