Professor Dimitrios Buhalis invited to the University of Pretoria and meets the South Africa Minister of Tourism Derek Hanekom

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Head of Department of Tourism and Hospitality at Bournemouth University was invited to the University of Pretoria to deliver a keynote speech on Universal Accessibility for Tourism and meets the South Africa Minister of Tourism Derek Hanekom.


The Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Bournemouth University is a partner with the University of Pretoria, one of the oldest and most established Universities in South Africa. Professor Buhalis had discussions with the Head of Department of Tourism Professor Berendien Lubbe and her colleagues about research partnerships that will cover a number of areas including eTourism, Accessibility, destination management and marketing, and wildlife tourism.




During the Tourism Symposium Professor Buhalis had the opportunity to reflect on Accessibility as welcoming all everywhere any time and he explored several global best practice examples in accessible tourism. He contributed to the Symposium that included a range of important South African and global operators including SANparks, Sun International, Tourvest and SATSA.


Professor Buhalis had the opportunity to meet the Minister of Tourism of South Africa RH Derek Hanekom  and to discuss accessibility issues as well as the marketing of South Africa as a destination and global issues such as Brexit, political uncertainty and emerging markets and how they can contribute to tourism and economic development.



Professor Buhalis with the Minister of Tourism of South Africa RH Derek Hanekom  with Prof Johan Oberholster and Prof Berendien Lubbe University of Pretoria South Africa



Professor Buhalis said I am very glad to establish collaboration with the tourism team of the University of Pretoria South Africa. They are doing very interesting tourism research and a very challenging and rewarding environment. We look forward to develop our research and academic collaboration with the University of Pretoria and develop our research agenda and impact of our research globally. South Africa has unique resources and opportunities to develop tourism as well as challenges that need to be addressed for the benefit of all stakeholders.


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