Dr. Phillip Alford meets with industry to discuss the Google Online marketing challenge

Digital media students at the School of Tourism have been assigned the challenge of using Google Adwords and Google+ to create online marketing campaigns for 11 different businesses, as part of a global project, with over 100 countries participating!

The session gave the businesses a clearer understanding of the challenge and its advantages, as Dr. Philip Alford discussed the basis of the project and encouraged ongoing communication between the clients and student groups during the process. He emphasised the importance of allowing the students’ access to Google Analytics to aid their development, and the significance of keeping a learning journal as a tool for tracking their progress using #BUBlogosphere

The businesses found the session positive and encouraging as we got some feedback of their thoughts. Kirsty Barttelot from ‘Olives Et Al’ was excited for the project as there was lots of information to understand and get to grips with.

Andy King from ‘Intergage’ thought that giving student access to Google Analytics would definitely be beneficial for the businesses to get more out of the challenge.

And finally, Karen Venn (Norburton Hall) described the short 3 week campaign as ‘a blink in the eye of a business’. She was keen to work with the students, having worked on a successful campaign with them last year on the ‘Digital Destination’s Project’. She continued to point out that the session provided a good introduction to show the clients the potential of the campaign, providing lots of fantastic ideas – ‘and not to mention that there is always good food!’

By Divya Satwani

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