Hiya Having just finished my third and final year here at Bournemouth University, I thought it was only fair for me to wrap this year up with a third a final places to visit video. I think this is my most packed one yet, get ready for a list of about 20 new places for… Read more » about My favourite places in Bournemouth | Part 3
My evening routine as a uni student in final year
Hiya, In this weeks post I thought I’d show you what i get up to in the evenings. I’m part of a few clubs so on a Wednesday night I host a radio show with one of my friends and then straight after I have a pole fitness class so I’m very busy. I thought… Read more » about My evening routine as a uni student in final year
Gaining set lists & making memories | BU Summer Ball 2022
Hiya, The time finally arrived for me to go to the Summer Ball! I’d never been before due to the pandemic so this was my first and last time going and I made every second count! I didn’t make it to the famous survivors photos (sorry for the spoilers) but I did have an amazing… Read more » about Gaining set lists & making memories | BU Summer Ball 2022
My morning routine as a final year university student
Hey guys, Deadline season is in full swing so life is pretty hectic right now, but I still like to make sure I take some time to myself in the morning. So in this video watch along and follow me through my morning routine as a final year uni student! Emily 🙂
My role on the Climate Action Student Team (CAST)
Hiya, In today’s vlog, I thought I’d tell you all about my role within the CAST team as the Media, Marketing & Comms champion. I talk about role, how I got it, what I do within my role and all the things I’ve done and learnt whilst on the team. Hope you enjoy! Emily 🙂
A week in my life @ university
Hiya I’m a sucker for watching week in my life vlogs specifically uni related ones so I thought I’d finally jump on the bandwagon and make one of my own! It’s full of cinema trips, workout classes, Netflix binges and of course a heap of uni work to go alongside it all. Hope you enjoy!… Read more » about A week in my life @ university
Living in a dorm room VS a student house
Hiya, It’s around that time of year again where everyone starts looking into accommodation for the following year. With big decisions such as living in a house vs a flat coming at you from around the corner, I thought I’d make a video all about the pros and cons for both and my experience moving… Read more » about Living in a dorm room VS a student house
My experience taking a carbon literacy course
Hiya, I recently completed the Carbon Literacy Project course in which I learnt about the impact of my carbon footprint on others and the planet. It was such an informative and interesting experience and I hope you enjoy hearing about it. Emily 🙂
My experience working a festival as a camera operator
Hiya, So recently I got the opportunity to work as a camera operator at the Bournemouth 7s rugby festival, it was an amazing weekend and I’m so grateful for the opportunity, so I thought I’d tell you all about it 🙂 Emily 🙂
10 things I wish I knew before going to uni
Hiya The summer before I went to uni my head was swimming with questions about what uni was like. How do you meet people? How do you avoid getting lost on campus?? What if I don’t drink!? So I thought I’d put together a list of all the questions I wanted answering before I went… Read more » about 10 things I wish I knew before going to uni
The best places to visit in Bournemouth | Part 2
Since the lovely weather has started and summer has rolled into full force, Emily and her housemates have gone out exploring yet again and have found some more Bournemouth gems to share with you! We hope you find some new places to explore from this video 🙂 Watch Emily’s other vlog about places to visit.
From a final year, to a first year
I am so jealous of everyone going into first year, you are in for the best experience of your life! I wish I could start it all over again. If I did start all over again, these are some of the things I wish I knew from the beginning. 1. Living experience It is important… Read more » about From a final year, to a first year