Example bedroom in halls

Learning life skills at BU – cleaning and laundry

Moving from home to university involves becoming more dependent, which can be quite daunting, and can take time to get used to. Cleaning and laundry is one task that you will need to carry out! This blog gives top tips on how to clean and do your laundry around your university lectures and social lives,… Read more » about Learning life skills at BU – cleaning and laundry

Cooking and fending for yourself, don’t worry about it!

By Louis Sherman 1st year BU student, BSc (Hons) Applied Geography Being able to cook for yourself, and overall fend for yourself, will become key to your uni life. And although it sounds terrifying, it is actually simple and easy! Personally, I never got too focussed on this part of uni life before I arrived…. Read more » about Cooking and fending for yourself, don’t worry about it!