Hello! In this vlog, I’d like to share with you guys my daily life of fasting here at Bournemouth 😊 Have a nice day! Ayra H.

Hello! In this vlog, I’d like to share with you guys my daily life of fasting here at Bournemouth 😊 Have a nice day! Ayra H.
Hey guys! In this vlog, I share with you what I’m looking forward to doing in 2021. Do you guys have any goals for the new year? 🙂 Have a good day! – Ayra H.
Hello! This is a vlog of my adventures to places that’s outside (but still nearby) Bournemouth. Including some tips for you to save money with travel cost. Enjoy! xx
Walk around Talbot Campus with me as I show you all the go to facilities!
Regardless of whether you’re a student or not, everyone should keep safe when on a night out. It’s easy when your among friends or if your familiar with an area to take your safety for granted. Watch my vlog where I share some top tips!
Thinking about attending a BU Open Day? Watch YouTuber Evie’s vlog to see what she got up to and why she recommends signing up for an event too! You can book onto an Undergraduate Open Day here. We can’t wait to meet you!
Our new vlogger Steph tells us what it’s like to be a Media Production student…
You’ve read her blogs, now watch her first vlog! Alice tells us the differences she’s seen between undergraduate and postgraduate study.