If you want to know about nightlife in Bournemouth, then Amba’s here to tell you!
Amba’s story: Applicant Open Days
Applicant Open Days are for applicants who have been offered a place to study at BU – congratulations if that’s you! Based on her own experience, Amba tells us what you can expect at the day, and how it can help you choose your uni.
Amba’s story: Learning support at BU
What learning support it available at BU? Amba tells us about Additional Learning Support, Study Skills, language support and Peer Assisted Learning.
Amba’s story: scholarships and bursaries explained
Confused about the scholarships and bursaries on offer? Amba explains all!
Amba’s story: Why I love Television Production
Amba has 60 seconds to tell you why she loves BA (Hons) Television Production. Go!