Bournemouth University is an incredibly supportive place to be. As soon as I arrived, I felt like I was in a friendly and caring environment, and any time I’ve had a problem – no matter what it is – there has been someone there to advise me. There are a variety of support services on… Read more » about Support for students at BU

Sarah Stacey
Hi, my name is Sarah and I’m studying an MA in Radio Production at BU. I came here from Ireland (which is about as close as it’s possible to get while still being international), where I did my undergraduate degree in Multimedia. I love all things radio and hope to have a successful career in the industry, which is why I’m here. I’m also a huge fan of both music and comedy and love going to gigs. Another passion of mine is writing, and I hope you’ll find my blog posts helpful!
How to beat stress at uni
University can be a stressful experience, especially at postgraduate level when the work becomes that little bit more intense and you only have a year to do everything in. I should confess at this point that I am the world’s biggest worrier – I stress about most things, and if it seems like there’s nothing… Read more » about How to beat stress at uni
How much am I supposed to read?
When I was accepted onto my course and registered online last August, one of the first things I came across was the reading list. My immediate thought was: how much of this am I supposed to read? It gave me flashbacks to the first day of my undergrad, when we were all filled with trepidation… Read more » about How much am I supposed to read?
What’s next for me?
I can’t quite believe that already I’m nearing the end of my time at Bournemouth University. The next couple of months are going to be extremely busy as I focus on my Master’s project: a 30 minute radio documentary which is due at the beginning of August and will be the last ever piece of… Read more » about What’s next for me?
Why I love BU
As I write this, I’ve been at BU for almost eight months and am about to get started on my Master’s project. I can hardly believe the time has gone so fast, and I think the fact that I’m enjoying life here so much has a lot to do with it. I feel so fortunate… Read more » about Why I love BU
Student life at BU
Studying at Bournemouth University isn’t just about hard work. There are also lots of opportunities on campus to enjoy yourself, unwind and pursue your hobbies and interests. It’s really important to balance your academic life with the social side of things, and getting involved in clubs, societies, sports and other extra-curricular activities is a great… Read more » about Student life at BU
Living in university accommodation
When you’re an undergraduate student, it’s usually expected that you will live in university accommodation for your first year. But the experience of living in student halls as a postgraduate is not often talked about. When I decided to apply for my course I had no idea what my living arrangements were going to be,… Read more » about Living in university accommodation
Why I chose to do a Master’s
When I started my undergraduate degree in Multimedia, the idea of doing a Master’s in the future never occurred to me. My course was very broad and covered a range of different areas, from audio and video production to scriptwriting, photography to web design, and my time was spent learning about all of these and… Read more » about Why I chose to do a Master’s
Coping with homesickness
Homesickness is something that affects many students, and not just those who have travelled hundreds of miles to university. Even if you only live a short distance away, you’ll probably miss home at some point. You might even feel fine at the beginning, but suddenly start feeling homesick after you’ve settled in. As postgraduate students,… Read more » about Coping with homesickness
Ten things I’ve learnt so far
Since starting at Bournemouth University in September, I’ve learnt so many things in a short space of time. It’s only since the first term has ended that I’ve had a chance to reflect and realise just how much of a journey it’s been. Here are ten of the main things I’ve picked up so far…. Read more » about Ten things I’ve learnt so far
My Academic Scholarship
Like many people considering postgraduate study, one of my biggest concerns was funding. I was fortunate enough to have the support of my parents in addition to taking out a loan, but what made things so much easier was being awarded BU’s Academic Scholarship. When I first started researching Master’s degrees in the UK, the… Read more » about My Academic Scholarship
How I funded my postgraduate degree
There’s no denying it: postgraduate study is a big financial commitment. It’s a lot of money to invest in one year, and many people worry about how to pay for it. Funding was certainly my main concern throughout the application process. I really wanted to do my Master’s, but at the same time I wasn’t… Read more » about How I funded my postgraduate degree