You might be looking at your choices of universities and come across Bournemouth Uni as an option or you may have heard of Bournemouth or even live in the area but are still not sure where you want to go. So here are some of the reasons that I chose BU to complete not one but two degrees.
Being born and bred in Bournemouth, it was the first uni that I looked at. I wanted to know that first of all they did the course that I wanted to do and BU has a large variety of course choices. The first degree I did at BU was in Business and Management. Unfortunately, I only achieved two A-levels so I was restricted to what I could do but BU offered a Foundation degree to help me get my foot into uni. There are many different courses at BU that offer a stepping stone, making it more accessible to everyone. My degree now is in Adult Nursing and this course also offers a Foundation Year.
Next, I wanted to go somewhere I was interested in the area and although there are plenty of places I could have gone, Bournemouth has so many places to visit and is so beautiful that I couldn’t think of anywhere else. Then I was interested in BU’s standing up against other universities and BU has been very well recommended and is growing year after year. Times Higher Education currently ranks BU in the top 300 of the best universities in the world.

Being dyslexic, another concern of mine was what support would be available for me as a student to be as successful as possible while at BU. What I found here was so amazing. They have a dedicated team of people called the ALS (Additional Learning Support) team to support students who may have a disability to get the most out of uni. This included creating personal support plans and support for exams and assignments such as extra time in exams, ALS marking so that you are not marked down for spelling mistakes.
As well as support for your studies, they also offer support for your health and well-being, including close links with well-being services in the local area. This is great as it means that the uni sees you as a whole person so not just a student there to learn. You also have a personal tutor who is your first point of contact for any issues you may be having including personal issues that may affect your studies and they can point you in the right direction for help. If in doubt, AskBU is a great online resource where you can ask for advice or to be directed to the right resources. For example, you might just want to ask what help from the library is available and they can send you the details of who to contact and the links to study skills short courses.

Lastly SUBU. The Students’ Union, which is located on the university’s main Talbot Campus, is a great place to go to get help and advice from someone who is not part of the university staff. These are just some of the amazing reasons why I chose BU. Now it’s your turn.
Katie, thanks for sharing this blog. A student-supported forum with personal stories really helps students and parents decide the best place to study.
I note your comment about starting off in business management. Question, if an undergrad was applying to the business programme, I assume that student residences on the Talbot campus (as opposed to any other campus) would be the most convenient?