Produced by kdanceydowns

In this week’s ‘Photo of the Week’, we will be looking at research investigating the Neolithic site in southwest Asia though ethnographic analogy. This research is being led by BU’s Dr Emma Jenkins.
The photo submitted shows project members, John Grattan, Carol Palmer, Vanessa Edwards and Andy Marsh conducting filming in the desert region of Wadi Faynan, southern Jordan.
The Identifying activity areas in Neolithic sites through Ethnographic Analysis of phytoliths and geochemical residues (INEA) project are concerned with improving our understanding of Neolithic sites in southwest Asia through ethnographic analogy.
The team involved have been analysing microscopic evidence of human activities (phytoliths and geochemical elements) from a recently abandoned village and a number of Bedouin camp sites in Jordan where the inhabitants had a comparable economy and used similar construction methods to those found at Neolithic sites.
They have used their findings to help better understand techniques about building construction and the use of space at a number of important archaeological sites in Jordan. As part of the project, they have made two short films. The first was aimed at tourists to be used as part of the ‘Neolithic Heritage Trail’. The second film promotes the study of archaeology at undergraduate level and is being used as part of archaeology and STEM outreach work.
For more information about the project, email Emma for further details.
This was an entry to BU’s first research photography competition and the entries for the next competition will be open shortly. For more details about the competition, please email
Originally published on Research News