
Since its establishment in 2000, CIPPM organizes annual symposia on topical  issues of IP law and policy, and seminar series with internationally renowned scholars in all areas of IP. Check our Events page for the programmes of forthcoming symposia and seminars.


CIPPM 25 Years: IP and Changing Landscapes - CIPPM 25th Anniversary Event: 10-11 April 2025
Landmarks of IP: 2021 ISHTIP conference online - The 12th Annual Workshop of the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP) "Landmarks of IP" will be held online from 12 to 15 July 2021
Symposium: European Intellectual Property and its Limits - Wednesday 16 January 2019 - Inaugural symposium of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Talbot Campus lit up at night A new feudalism of ideas - Symposium 2001