Forthcoming event

Luo Li: “Protection of Artificial Intelligence Produced Outputs: A Mission Impossible?”

Monday 3 June 2024, 17:00 (BST); BG215 The event is free to attend, but registration is required.  Please e-mail Professor Dinusha Mendis at to book your place. Abstract As artificial intelligence becomes smarter, relying on advanced computational power and big data, an increasing number of AI-related technologies are being applied in creative and innovative… Read more » about Luo Li: “Protection of Artificial Intelligence Produced Outputs: A Mission Impossible?”

CIPPM Study outlines experiences of implementing flexible copyright exceptions from around the world

On Thursday 15th February 2024, 13.00-14.30 (BST) Dinusha Mendis, Ben White and Dukki Hong will present the research findings from their recently completed project ‘Copyright and Open Norms in Seven Jurisdictions: Benefits, Challenges and Policy Recommendations’. The event will be hosted as a live webinar by Knowledge Rights 21 which funded the research project. The… Read more » about CIPPM Study outlines experiences of implementing flexible copyright exceptions from around the world