Focus areas

R. Towse – The quest for evidence on the economic effects of copyright law

Ruth Towse – “The quest for evidence on the economic effects of copyright law”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2013, 37 (5), 1187-1202 Abstract The requirement by the UK government for evidence-based policy has recently been applied to copyright law in the context of I. Hargreaves’s report, Digital Opportunity: Review of Intellectual Property and Growth (Newport,… Read more » about R. Towse – The quest for evidence on the economic effects of copyright law

D. Mendis – Digital Economy Act 2010: Fighting a losing battle?

Dinusha Mendis – “Digital Economy Act 2010: Fighting a losing battle? Why the ‘three strikes’ law is not the answer to copyright law’s latest challenge”, International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 2013, 27 (1),  60-84 Abstract This paper argues that the Digital Economy Act (DEA) 2010, already much delayed in its implementation, is fundamentally… Read more » about D. Mendis – Digital Economy Act 2010: Fighting a losing battle?

M. Borghi, F. Ferretti, S. Karapapa – Online data processing consent under EU law

Maurizio Borghi, Federico Ferretti, Stavroula Karapapa, “Online data processing consent under EU law: a theoretical framework and empirical evidence from the UK”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology,  2013, 21 (2), 109-153  Abstract This article analyses the results of an empirical study on the 200 most popular UK-based websites in various sectors of e-commerce… Read more » about M. Borghi, F. Ferretti, S. Karapapa – Online data processing consent under EU law

M. Borghi and M. Favale – Harmonization of Intellectual Property Rights within and beyond the European Union

Maurizio Borghi and Marcella Favale, Harmonization of Intellectual Property Rights within and beyond the European Union: The Acquis Commnautaire in the Framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy, SEARCH Project, funded by the European Commission, 2013 This Working Paper examines the legal framework regarding intellectual property rights within the EU and its neighbouring countries (NCs), on the… Read more » about M. Borghi and M. Favale – Harmonization of Intellectual Property Rights within and beyond the European Union