Luo Li: “Protection of Artificial Intelligence Produced Outputs: A Mission Impossible?”

Monday 3 June 2024, 17:00 (BST); BG215

The event is free to attend, but registration is required.  Please e-mail Professor Dinusha Mendis at to book your place.


As artificial intelligence becomes smarter, relying on advanced computational power and big data, an increasing number of AI-related technologies are being applied in creative and innovative areas previously dominated by humans. The intense debate over whether and how AI-produced outputs should be protected reveals an issue: Can current copyright law infinitely extend its scope of protection to keep pace with rapidly developing technologies? This presentation will examine the possibilities of protecting AI-produced outputs through the traditional copyright system and will explore the implications of AI and its outputs for the current IP system in a broader context.

Dr Luo Li is an Assistant Professor in Law at Coventry University and maintains an interdisciplinary research interests including intellectual property, cultural heritages, fashion design, information technology, media and social-economic development. Her current research focuses on digital transformation and advanced technologies including the application of artificial intelligence in creative industries and its implications to the intellectual property law and regulatory.

Dr. Li was an Associate Editor of the Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property in 2015-2017 and currently, she is a Journal Article Reviewer of QMJIP and the International Journal of Cultural Policy. She is also a Grant Reviewer (sector of cultural heritages) of the National Social Science Academy in Poland and a was a visiting scholar at the University of Copenhagen. As a cooperation partner, Luo works with academic scholars in Germany on a project – Cultural Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation in Africa and Asia – with € 2.1 million in funding from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research in 2021-2024. As a co-editor, she recently published the book Global Pandemic, Technology and Business: Comparative Explorations of COVID-19 and the Law (Routledge).