Senior Lecturer in Post Production
Szilvia Ruszev s a film editor, media artist and researcher working across media.
Her research interest is situated in the fields of cinema and media studies, new materialism and digital studies intersecting various methodologies of a creative-critical praxis. Her research has a specific focus on the entanglement of networked technologies, capitalism and representation of social categories such as race, class and gender.
She is the Principal Investigator of the BRAID (Bridging Responsible AI Divides) funded ‘Shared Post-Human Imagination’ research project at Bournemouth University. The project investigates responsible AI in the context of media production. The research seeks to foster relationships among developers, users and policymakers to develop responsible AI practices.
Dr Ruszev joined CIPPM in November 2024 as an affiliate member of the Centre.
Find out more about Dr Ruszev on her academic staff profile.