CIPPM researcher part of international AHRC grant into responsible AI and media creation

Bournemouth University has been awarded an AHRC grant for the project Shared Post-Human Imagination: Human-AI Collaboration in Media Creation. Dr Szilvia Ruszev is leading the project.

CIPPM’s Dr Melanie Stockton-Brown is a Co-Investigator on the project; along with Professor Xiaosong Yang, Dr Tom Davis and Dr Maxine Gee at Bournemouth University. Professor Kejun Zhang from Zhejiang University and Assistant Professor Catherine Griffiths from the University of Michigan are International Co-Investigators on the project. 

 The project will investigate responsible AI in the context of media creation, focusing on collaboration, creativity and representation. This includes concerns about copyright, job security and other ethical and legal challenges.

 This AHRC funding forms part of the Bridging Responsible AI Divides (BRAID) programme, which is funding research in the UK to define responsible AI and exploring how it can be embedded across key sectors.

 For more information about the projects funded: