Spring Public Lecture Series 2024

Our public lectures series on topical issues of intellectual property law and policy is open to anyone to attend, but registration is required.

Attendance is free, but, registration is required. If you wish to attend, please e-mail Prof. Dinusha Mendis at dmendis@bournemouth.ac.uk


Mandy Haberman (Haberman Global Innovations): A rocky road or a well-trodden path: From invention to enforcement and exploitation – Experience of an IP inventor and entrepreneur 

Thursday 8 February 2024, 18.00 (BST), Room BG110

Mandy Haberman is Founder and Creative Director of Haberman Global Innovations Ltd and is a successful inventor/entrepreneur, best known for the Anywayup® Cup. Built on intellectual property, her career has spanned 30 years and her most recent invention, the Haberman® Suckle Feeder was launched globally in 2015. Mandy is an advocate of IPR, committed to raising awareness, educating and campaigning to help make it more accessible for SMEs and individuals. Mandy was awarded Female Inventor of the Year 2000 and is Vice Chairman and a Director of the Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN).

Join us for this public lecture to hear from Mandy Haberman’s experience of being an IP Inventor to an entrepreneur.


Elizabeth Gibson (BBC Legal): Copyright exceptions in creative re-use

Thursday 7 March 2024, 18.00 (BST), Room EB306

This talk by Elizabeth Gibson will provide an overview of how the British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC) protects and  exploits its rights and the balance it strikes as an owner, creator and user of intellectual property. The talk will also delve into a more detailed look at fair dealing and other copyright exceptions that can enable editorial freedom and add value to programme making.

Elizabeth Gibson is an intellectual property lawyer with a particular interest in copyright and fair dealing.  After qualifying with City firm Lovells and working as an IP litigator she has spent the last 25 years at the BBC where she advises programme makers and all areas of the BBC on copyright and other IP issues.  She has lobbied on the BBC’s behalf, contributing to the Gowers and Hargreaves Reviews of Intellectual Property amongst other consultations.  She represents the BBC on the board of the Educational Recording Agency, and is chair of the broadcasters’ Sports News Access Group.

Join us for this public lecture to hear from Elizabeth Gibson’s experience of working with copyright in the public service broadcasting sector.


Past public lectures series