In the 2023 Raindance Film School Student Showcase, filmmaker John Marsonet unveiled ‘Persistence of Vision,’ a compelling (speculative) documentary that breathes new life into the origins of motion picture technology. Through meticulous research and innovative storytelling, Marsonet explores the work of William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, a pioneering figure in early cinema.
CIPPM researcher and Principal Academic in Film, Dr Claudy Op den Kamp was invited to be an on-screen interviewee for the Dickson documentary, Persistence of Vision. The documentary goes beyond traditional biographical filmmaking, offering a nuanced exploration of technological innovation and creative vision. As a result, Op den Kamp witnessed Marsonet’s remarkable ability to transform historical research into a captivating narrative.
Claudy Op den Kamp, on-screen interviewee on the work of WKL Dickson in Marsonet’s 2023 Persistence of Vision
Selected for the prestigious Raindance Film School Presents showcase, the film demonstrates Marsonet’s exceptional storytelling skills. ‘Persistence of Vision’ invites viewers to reconsider the complex narratives behind the invention of motion pictures, revealing the human creativity that drives technological breakthroughs.
Featured image: Persistence of Vision poster