
New Forest Remembers – Park Farm finds

In addition to the digitisation of site drawings covered in our last blog entry, our post-excavation department staff have also been processing the finds recovered from the Park Farm dig. This involves sorting and cleaning the various artefacts which were recovered by volunteers through a combination of excavation and systematic metal detector survey of the… Read more » about New Forest Remembers – Park Farm finds

New Forest Remembers – Park Farm post-excavation update

As part of the post-excavation process, Bournemouth Archaeology staff have been digitising the archaeological drawings from the Park Farm site using AutoCAD software.  To give an insight into how this is done, we have selected a gun pit feature which one of the project volunteers, Tim Wilding, did an excellent job of recording. In this… Read more » about New Forest Remembers – Park Farm post-excavation update

New Forest Remembers – Park Farm Dig, Hampshire

During the month of July, Bournemouth Archaeology was involved in an exciting Festival of British Archaeology project in collaboration with the New Forest National Park Authority as part of their wider Heritage Lottery Funded ‘New Forest Remembers – Untold Stories of World War II’ project. This project was established in 2012 to address the lack… Read more » about New Forest Remembers – Park Farm Dig, Hampshire

Cerne Abbas Archaeological Investigations Project, Dorset

Over a very wet and cold winter Bournemouth Archaeology has been working on a geophysical survey in Cerne Abbas, Dorset, on the supposed site of the Benedictine Abbey around which the village grew. Following liaison with English Heritage and the granting of a Section 42 licence our geophysical survey team have been carrying out a… Read more » about Cerne Abbas Archaeological Investigations Project, Dorset

Historic building survey and recording project, Hampshire

Bournemouth Archaeology is currently engaged in an exciting renovation project of an early fifteenth century Grade II* Listed Manor House, near Romsey in Hampshire. The building has seen considerable alteration and additions to its original form and is currently in use as a school. Working in conjunction with the client, architect and Conservation Officer, Bournemouth… Read more » about Historic building survey and recording project, Hampshire