ORI Research Features in a Popular Brazilian Magazine

ORI works internationally and offer support to visiting students and early career researchers in developing their research skills.

During the summer of 2018, ORI supported a Spanish PhD student, Eduardo Martínez-Carbonell, who was in Bournemouth studying English.  An outcome of this collaboration was a publication in BMC Geriatrics titled “Does aquatic exercise improve commonly reported predisposing risk factors to falls within the elderly?  A systematic review”. As a result of this publication, Eduardo was interviewed by a Brazilian magazine focused on health and nutrition, called SAÚDE.

The Infographic published in the article is attached (in Portuguese).  To summarise:

  • Eduardo’s PhD work was inspired by his grandmother and her hip fracture at the age of 84. Eduardo developed a physical exercise programme for her which helped her recovery.
  • Aquatic exercise is a therapeutic whole-body treatment that involves moving and exercising in water. It is designed to enhance physiological variables related to falls, such as flexibility, strength and balance; and the pressure and density of the water can be reassuring for older adults. It can reduce the risk of falling and improve quality of life in the elderly

Here is what Eduardo had to say about this article: “Personally, I have been working over recent years on different projects on aging and chronic diseases, focusing on how to improve quality of life through specific physical exercise programmes. However, thanks to my collaboration with Associate Professor Tom Wainwright, Louise Burgess and Tikki Immins at the Orthopaedic Research Institute, and the support from Bournemouth University, I have been able to publish my research in falls prevention and as a result, had this work publicised in a popular Brazilian magazine, SAÚDE. Being a Visiting Associate at Bournemouth University has allowed me to have more opportunities in the area of health and exercise research.”

The full research article can be found here:
