Rankings and prestige key decision-making factors for US students

daily-buzz-480Rankings and prestige have been identified as the most important decision-making factors for US students pursuing postgraduate study in the UK, according to the latest British Council’s Student Insight survey. Focus groups and a survey of 236 prospective postgraduate students from the US provide key insights into the student decision making process when applying to UK universities.

Over 50% of the respondents highlighted that an institution’s position in world university rankings was a top factor in their decision-making process. Overall institutional reputation was seen as another important factor influencing the decision making process of US students when applying to UK universities.

The British Council survey identified the US as a “top origin nation of international students in the UK, as well as international postgraduate students.” Last year alone, over 11,000 US students came to the UK to pursue postgraduate study. The survey highlights that historically the UK has been a popular study destination among postgraduate students from the US.

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