Work Package 2

Work Package 2 –Consumer criteria for information quality (BU): The objective of WP2 is to identify the information valued by consumers to ensure trust of food provision. This will be achieved by a consumer survey performed in 4 EU countries (Denmark, France, Greece and UK), focusing on the actual use (habitual) of “on package information”, and also attitudes, knowledge, values or social norms towards such information when eating out. To gain a better understanding of the relevant consumer perspective a user centric approach will be adopted. Elicitation of categorisations from individuals has the potential to provide a very important perspective in this arena and one that has high salience for consumers. The study will include a first phase with focus group discussions, followed by a quantitative online questionnaire sent to a large sample of the population. Providing tailored information will facilitate adoption of healthier nutrition practices and such a concept has been supported empirically in retail situations. Research has found that consumer’s appreciate messages tailored to their own needs, signposting specific values of interest will enable consumers to utilize labels more effectively without being overwhelmed by the abundance of information given.


Work Package 2 report – Bournemouth University

Consumer criteria for information quality

Authors: Sarah Price, Carmen Martins, Professor Heather Hartwell

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