Work Package 4– Graphical User Interface development (KU): The objective of WP4 is to develop a smartphone/tablet human interface through user centric design using Agile User-Experience design (Agile UX) thus reflecting the needs and decision making requirements of the prospective user. From a range of multiple attributes and information the design will allow, and assist the user to make personal choices and in addition will provide a comprehensive dataset for field studies. The application will have four high level functions. Firstly, consumers will have personal food related targets or goals relating to health, fitness and nutrition. They will have a number of preferences such as food likes and dislikes, allergies, financial limitations and time constraints. This information needs to be ascertained and actioned, stored and then displayed as per the consumer requirements. Secondly, the consumer needs to be informed about the current meal choices, their preparation method and ingredients. Thirdly, using this information the consumer needs to be given recommendations which will allow them to meet their personal goals. Finally, the data needs to be stored. The use of AgileUX will ensure the role of the consumer is central to the development process but will also allow their feedback to influence the iterative design. There are a number of approaches to Agile UX but our use of the rich data available as feedback will be particularly novel and innovative. Dealing with requirements for adaptive systems is an area which is currently challenging researchers and by utilising the user feedback process and situational awareness, alongside current adaptive approaches we will create a unique opportunity to explore their use in a real life setting. The consumer interface design process will need to focus on the use of icons, the creation and use of which are part of our research expertise. Point of purchase within foodservice provides an exciting avenue of research enabling consumers to judge the most appropriate dish while contributing to consumer protection and concurrently retaining freedom of decision. This mobile innovation will also provide transparency for operators to demonstrate ingredient provenance and confidence while enabling smarter dish provision. The application will be designed for use on an Android platform and be open source.
Data gathered will be important at both the micro and macro level. For example, intra-individual variability will be acknowledged and expectation included as related to time, cost, pleasure, nutrition and hunger. The application will collect data about the habits of the individual, which could be useful to them in understanding better, and ultimately improving their own food behaviour. In addition, across a large number of customers the data could be used to find general patterns, which may well provide insights into a range of behaviours, including regional, economic or other factors.