
D. Mendis and V. Stobo – UK: Extended Collective Licensing (2014)

D. Mendis and V. Stobbo, UK: Extended Collective Licensing [3 December 2014] Kluwer Copyright Blog at On the 1st October 2014, the Copyright and Rights in Performances (Extended Collective Licensing) Regulations 2014 came into force in the UK. This blog post considers the latest developments and what it means for UK Copyright Law.

D. Mendis – ‘Clone Wars’ Episode II – The Next Generation: The Copyright Implications Relating to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Files

D. Mendis – ‘Clone Wars’ Episode II – The Next Generation: The Copyright Implications Relating to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Files [2014] 6(2) Law, Innovation and Technology, pp. 265-281 This paper considers the copyright implications surrounding design files through the use of CAD software. Design object files (also referred to as CAD-based design files in the… Read more » about D. Mendis – ‘Clone Wars’ Episode II – The Next Generation: The Copyright Implications Relating to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Files

Argyro Karanasiou – “Kickin’ The Clouds Away”: A rights-based approach for mesh networks as community media

In her latest post in the LSE Media Policy Project Blog’s Alternative Internet(s) series, Argyro Karanasiou argues that policymakers must embrace decentralised Internet architectures as a way of breaking online informational monopolies. Below follows a copy of this article, originally posted here.    “Kickin’ The Clouds Away”: A rights-based approach for mesh networks as community media   Back… Read more » about Argyro Karanasiou – “Kickin’ The Clouds Away”: A rights-based approach for mesh networks as community media

D. Mendis – 3D Printing Enters the Fast Lane

D. Mendis – 3D Printing Enters the Fast Lane [July 2014] Intellectual Property Magazine, pp. 39-40  There has been much attention lavished on additive manufacturing or 3D printing, as it is more commonly known.  The extension from commercial/enterprise to consumer 3D printing has grabbed the headlines and the imagination of the consumer in recent years. Furthermore,… Read more » about D. Mendis – 3D Printing Enters the Fast Lane

R. Towse – Advanced Introduction to Cultural Economics

Ruth Towse, Advanced Introduction to Cultural Economics (Edward Elgar Publishing: 2014) Description ‘Ruth Towse presents a fabulous, broad ranging overview of cultural economics. The book is up to the state of knowledge, is easy to read and reveals sound judgment. I highly recommend the book to anyone concerned about the relationship of culture to society… Read more » about R. Towse – Advanced Introduction to Cultural Economics