CIPPM 25 Years: IP and Changing Landscapes

The year 2025 marks CIPPM’s 25th anniversary. Established in 2000 by its Founding Directors, Professor Martin Kretschmer and Professor Ruth Soetendorp, CIPPM rapidly grew as a research Centre carrying out significant research projects on intellectual property (IP) and policy whilst also leading the way in IP education. During this time, CIPPM also gained a strong reputation for its interdisciplinary research, which in turn saw CIPPM lead the way in evidence-based policy from its very early days.

An article about CIPPM’s evolvement can be read here.

To mark this special occasion of the Centre’s 25th anniversary, we will be hosting a conference on 10-11 April titled ‘CIPPM 25 Years: Intellectual Property and Changing Landscapes’. 

During these two days, some of the significant CIPPM projects will be highlighted and evaluated whilst considering their relevance to today’s current developments. Bringing together speakers from law, social sciences, policy, practice and business, the event will showcase the changing landscape of IP, through the lens of CIPPM during the past 25 years.

We are very grateful to our sponsors, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Academy, UK Intellectual Property Organisation (UKIPO) and Laceys Solicitors for making this event a possibility.

Thursday 10th April: 12.00 – 17.15

12.00 – 13.30: Registration, light lunch and networking

13.30 – 13.45: Welcome

Professor Einar Thorsen (Dean of the Faculty of Media and Communication)

13.45 – 15.00: CIPPM Story

Former Directors of CIPPM: Professor Martin Kretschmer, Professor Ruth Soetendorp and Professor Maurizio Borghi

15.00 – 15.30: Tea/Coffee Break

15.30 – 15.45: CIPPM Book and Reflections from Past Members

Professor Ruth Towse (Co-Director CIPPM, 2008 – Present; Professor of Economics of Creative Industries)

15.45 – 17.15: Panel 1: Intellectual Property (IP) and education: Embedding IP into the non-law curriculum

Chaired by Professor Ruth Soetendorp (Founding Director, CIPPM; Professor of IP Management Bournemouth University, 2000-2007; Associate Director, CIPPM and Professor Emerita, 2008 – Present), this panel will highlight the work undertaken by CIPPM, particularly in embedding IP into the non-law curriculum through award winning projects such as the IP-Design project, teaching film to IP students and The panel will also hear from others who have contributed to this work through organisations such as the Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN).


Bartolomeo Meletti, Head of Knowledge Exchange and Creative Director, CREATe, University of Glasgow

Claudy Op den Kamp, Principal Academic in Film, Department of Media Production, Deputy Director CIPPM, Bournemouth University

Janice Denoncourt, Associate Professor in Law, Nottingham Trent University

Phil Claire, CEO, Queen Mary Innovation, Queen Mary University of London.

18.00: Anniversary Dinner


Friday 11th April: 9.00 – 17.30

9.00 – 9.30: Networking and tea/coffee

9.30 – 11.00: Panel 2: Leading the way in evidence-based policy

Chaired by Professor Martin Kretschmer (Founding Director, CIPPM 2000-2012; Professor of Intellectual Property and Director, CREATe, University of Glasgow) this panel will provide an insight into CIPPM’s research projects which have directly influenced policy, particularly in response to the Gowers and Hargreaves Reviews and more recently in the run up to the CDSM Directive.


David Humphries, Head of Research, The UK Intellectual Property Office

Fabian Homberg, Associate Professor in Organization and Innovation, Luiss Business School, Switzerland

Stef van Gompel, Professor of Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Tanya Aplin, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Interim Vice Dean Research, Kings College London.

11.00 – 11.30 – Tea/Coffee Break

11.30 – 13.00: Panel 3: Regulating markets in the creative industries

Chaired by Professor Ruth Towse (Co-Director, CIPPM 2008 – Present; Professor of Economics of Creative Industries), panel 3 will shed light on the economics of copyright and its impact in the creative industries. Since 2008, CIPPM has led the way in this area of research under the Co-Directorship of Prof. Ruth Towse and the panel will highlight the work carried out and question its relevance to the creative industries today.


Christian Handke, Associate Professor of Cultural Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Hayleigh Bosher, Reader in Intellectual Property Law, Associate Dean, Brunel University of London

Kris Erickson, Professor in Social Data Science, Deputy Director CREATe, University of Glasgow.

 13.00 – 14.00: Lunch

14.00 – 15.30: Panel 4: Informing EU IP Policy: open or closed?

Chaired by Professor Maurizio Borghi (Director, CIPPM 2013-2021; Professor of Law, University of Turin, 2022 – Present) panel 4 will focus on the research projects which CIPPM has carried out in informing EU and international policy and contributing to the EU acquis. These have ranged from projects focusing on the orphan works directive as well as more recent work informing EU policy on copyright and flexible exceptions/open norms, exploring copyright in countries such as Japan, Singapore, Israel, Korea, Sri Lanka amongst others. However, in the wake of Brexit, what do these projects mean now and what is its relevance for various stakeholders today?


Annabelle Shaw, Public Access Researcher, British Film Institute

Benjamin White, PhD Researcher CIPPM, Bournemouth University and Co-founder, Knowledge Rights 21

Estelle Derclaye, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Social Science, University of Nottingham

Marcella Favale, Visiting Fellow CIPPM, Bournemouth University.

15.30 – 16.00: Tea / Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.30: Panel 5: IP and new and emerging technologies: what does the future hold?

In bringing the 25th anniversary event to a close, this final and 5th panel chaired by Professor Dinusha Mendis (Director, CIPPM 2022 – Present; Professor of Intellectual Property & Innovation Law, Bournemouth University) will focus on CIPPM projects which have informed policy and key debates – both in UK and EU – in relation to new and emerging technologies such as 3D printing, IPTV, blockchain, Metaverse, AI and deepfake technology. In reflecting on these projects over the recent years, the panel will question what some of these technologies mean for present times as well as for the future.


Davide Secchi, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark

Vasilis Katos, Professor of Cybersecurity, Faculty of Science and Technology and member CIPPM, Bournemouth University

Szilvia Ruszev, Senior Lecturer in Post Production, Department of Media Production and Associate Member CIPPM, Bournemouth University

Tatsuhiro Ueno, Professor of Law, Director, Research Center for the Legal System of Intellectual Property (RCLIP), Waseda University, Tokyo Japan.


Closing remarks

Roger Brownsword (Professor of Law and CIPPM member, Bournemouth University and Kings College London).