Copyright in the Metaverse

This project funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciene (JSPS) analyses UK and Japanese copyright laws and how they relate to the Metaverse.

The project was awarded to Professor Dinusha Mendis to take up a short term invitational professorship at Waseda University Tokyo from July – October 2023. It was carried out in collaboration with Professor Tatsuhiro Ueno at Waseda University.

The project will investigate the copyright laws of UK and Japan and their interaction with the Metaverse before bringing the issues together to analyse how they compare and differ in order to understand the lessons that can be learned.

The project will lead to:

  • a peer reviewed journal article;
  • an illustrative graphic (in the style of a manga) capturing the findings of the research in a more accessible manner (English and Japanese); and
  • a research symposium at Waseda University Tokyo.

The project will conclude in December 2023.