Online Workshop
23 March 2021 – 15:00-16:30 (GMT)
Speakers: Mirco Musolesi (University College London) and Javier Ruiz Diaz (Digital policy consultant)
Chair: Ben White (CIPPM)
Artificial Intelligence and its central role in the digital economy is resulting in much regulatory activity in Europe and beyond as countries seek to maximise their international competitiveness. Beyond the hype, this workshop seeks to explore in some detail how AI technologies are created, and how given their importance from an economic competition and national defence perspective they are increasingly the subject of provisions in free trade agreements. The nature of cutting-edge AI and the new restrictions in trade deals present new challenges to established IP models.
The first part of the workshop aims to outline for a non-specialist audience how a selection of different machine learning models are created and operationalised. As part of this Professor Musolesi will focus on which components of an AI are the result of human originality and intellectual creation, and which are data or machine in origin. Mr Ruiz Diaz will then contextualise the growing importance of AI and their algorithms as reflected in the trend for them to be included in the Digital Trade chapters of free trade agreements. The workshop will end with a question and answer session allowing participants to discuss and explore the issues raised in more detail.
MircoMusolesi is Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science, University College London and University of Bologna and a fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and a visiting researcher at Google.
Javier Ruiz Diaz is an independent consultant covering a broad range of digital and technology policy and advocacy areas such as digital trade, state surveillance, transparency, privacy and ethics. He is an expert advisor to the UK Government on digital trade and intellectual property and former Policy Director of the Open Rights Group.
The event is free to attend, but registration is required.
>> Attend the event on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 859 2957 4648
Passcode: CIPPM2021!