The Steering Committee will comprise: Dr Heather Hartwell (Bournemouth University), Prof. Federico Perez-Cueto (Copenhagen University), Prof.Erminio Monteleone(University Firenze), Mrs.Laurence Depezay (Bonduelle), Dr. Agnes Giboreau (Insitute Paul Bocuse).
The Advisory Committee will comprise: Dr GitteLaub Hansen, from the Danish Cancer Society, she has a large trajectory as advocate for a healthier diet, and thus increased consumption of vegetables and fruits for the general public health welfare. She has been behind several initiatives for the use of choice architecture to make healthier food choices the default choices. Prof. Dr. Bent E. Mikklesen is the head of the voluntary EU School Fruit Scheme that encourages good eating habits in young people and requires participating Member States to set up strategies (educational and awareness) in its favour. Prof John Edwards has been responsible for managing several high profile nutrition research projects for both the British and US Armed Forces, and is well published in public sector foodservice. Dr. Lucas Noldus, Managing Director of Noldus Information Technology BV (The Netherlands), is the brain behind FaceReader ® and Observer XT ® software.