Mr Kahlan Al Kaisi
Date of Fellowship: August 2024 to Present
Current Appointment(s): Post CCT fellowship
Kahlan obtained his primary medical qualification “MBChB” from Baghdad in Iraq. After completing his GMC registration, he finished Foundation equivalent training in the NHS in Cheshire followed by Core Surgical training in the South West Peninsula (Torbay). His Orthopaedic specialty training started at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore before securing a run-through national training number in West Midlands Deanery (Oswestry/Stoke Rotation) and gained Certificate of Completion of Training CCT at the end of the program.
He is currently doing post CCT fellowship in lower limb/ hip arthroplasty at Royal Bournemouth Hospital with Prof Rob Middleton and Mr Kieran Gallagher.
His special interests are lower limb arthroplasty with a particular focus on fragility hip fractures, prosthetic joint infections, and peri prosthetic fractures.
He also enjoys teaching young surgeons at the Basic Surgical Skills “BSS” course run by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.