ORIBU’s Professor of Orthopaedics Rob Middleton gives inaugural lecture

Professor Rob Middleton

Last week Head of ORI and Professor of Orthopaedics, Rob Middleton gave an inaugural lecture on ‘Performing Hip Replacements in Space’.

Attendees also had a chance to practice on the latest virtual reality surgical simulators as well as looking at the state-of-the-art motion capture system currently used in ORI laboratory for research and practice.

With 20 years of experience in use of robotics in orthopaedic surgery, Professor Middleton explained how performing a hip replacement is not as far flung as previously was thought of and it is something we will have to develop. Emphasising on cutting edge research into the prevention and treatment of Osteoarthritis of the hip, Professor Middleton outlined a path way into the design of bespoke hip, production through 3D printing and implanting via robotic surgery.

Radio Solent also interviewed Professor Middleton and discussed his experience in the use and development of robotic surgery.

Professor Middleton said: “We are two thirds of the way here at Bournemouth University. You could come in today, we could scan your hip and we can design a custom hip then we can send that information to anywhere in the world or in space and with a 3D printer you can print a Titanium hip. The final piece of that puzzle is performing the surgery and as I don’t fancy myself going up to Mars for life, we’re developing robots to be able to do that.”

“We are expecting our first new robot in the next year and then doing a research project to design that to be able to perform a hip replacement under our control back here at Bournemouth University.”

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