20th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine


Estoril, Portugal

Congratulations to ORI collaborator, Dr James Gavin who, working with Tom Wainwright at the Orthopaedic Research Institute, has had three papers accepted by the 20th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine which takes place in Estoril, Portugal on 23rd to 28th April 2016.

The papers build on Tom’s research into the Geko device and examine aspects of neuromuscular muscle activity

  • Electrical nerve stimulation for twenty minutes does not induce neuromuscular fatigue in older adults, regardless of leg position
  • Electrical nerve stimulation affects lower-leg neuromuscular activity, but not balance ability, in healthy, older adults
  • Knee joint angle influences gastrocnemius neuromuscular activity during Geko electro-stimulation in healthy, older adults: a pilot study

These papers are a result of research conducted with the support of Meryl Cooper, who was on the Undergraduate Research Assistant programme last summer. Meryl was a great addition to our team and reported

“The programme allowed me to gain a greater insight into what is involved in a research study. Allowing me to attain greater knowledge in performing experiments and analysing results. From this opportunity, I have been part of a research paper that has been accepted into a conference with the possibility of attending and co-presenting. The URA position was a fantastic and inspirational job one that I would recommend to any undergraduate interested in research.”

Read more about the URA position via Dr James Gavin’s research blog post.

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