Professor Adrian Newton
Project Leader
My research examines human impacts on the environment, with a particular focus on biodiversity loss and its consequences. I have a particular interest in analysing the biodiversity dynamics of fragmented forest landscapes. I am also researching societal responses to biodiversity loss, including protected areas, ecological restoration and development of the green economy. I have coordinated a number of international, collaborative research projects, principally in Latin America, but also in East and West Africa, Central and SE Asia, and in the UK. I have produced over 150 research publications on conservation science and management, including books on biodiversity loss and conservation, forest ecology and tropical forest resources. I have also supervised more than 30 PhD and MPhil students.
Dr Elena Cantarello
Project co-ordinator
I am a researcher in conservation ecology with over eight years professional experience in conducting research in forest landscapes. I have knowledge and experience in GIS and spatially explicit modelling tools (Landis-II), which I regularly employ in my research to explore vegetation dynamics and changes in ecosystem services in response to human impacts. My particular interest is to contribute to solutions to environmental problems and to provide tools that inform environmental practice and policy implementation.
Dr Ed Mountford
Visiting Researcher
Ed Mountford is a UK Conservation Adviser for JNCC

Arjan Gosal
Research Technician
Spatial analysis of ecosystem services
With a focus on Ecosystem Services, I am interested in mapping and spatial analysis of these services in various habitats, especially the New Forest and the wider Dorset area. As part of the NERC BESS Early Careers Researchers network, my objectives in my research are to work with and across the natural and social disciplines by participating in interdisciplinary, though robust, projects.
Philip Martin
Post-doc research assistant
Philip’s research interests are ecosystem service & biodiversity effects of human disturbance in forests, forest resilience and tipping points, temporal and spatial trade-offs between different ecosystem service and integrating economics into conservation and restoration planning.

Paul Evans
PhD student
Dynamics of ecosystem services in forest ecosystems
My research focuses on the interactions occurring in dynamic woodlands, specifically looking at the impacts that the mortality of individual tree species have on the functions, processes and ecosystem services that underlie those habitats. Using different spatial scales, I will determine how relationships change as woodland declines, exploring whether ecological thresholds exist. Furthermore, I will determine the resilience of the landscapes in which the woodlands exist. The results of my research will be used to inform environmental policy.