PR Museum launched in NYC

The Museum of Public Relations was launched in the Library at Baruch College in New York City this week. A 20-year labour of love by Shelley and Barry Spector, the Museum now has a physical home in Manhattan where its collection of books, artefacts and interview are on display:

IHPRC has been following the Museum’s development since 2011 and sent a welcome message to the September 23 event:

“On both sides of the Atlantic there has been a blossoming of research and scholarship in the history of public relations since 2008. This expansion of the Museum of Public Relations with the “The People, Ideas and History that Shaped PR’s First Hundred Years” exhibition opening today is welcomed by scholars and practitioners.

“It gives a physical presence and visibility to names, organizations and deeds that have shaped public relations. We hope that it is a great success and inspires others to bring forward archives and artefacts, undertake research and, most importantly, fund and sponsor the Museum and PR history scholarship.

“We also acknowledge and praise the commitment of Shelley and Barry Spector who have doggedly worked to bring the Museum into a more public view and thank Baruch College for giving it a physical home.”

Among those attending the launch were PR veterans Harold Burson, Muriel Fox and Herb Schmertz. The Museum has a particular emphasis on the work and writings of Edward L. Bernays as well as material on his wife Doris Fleischman and other pioneers such as Daniel J. Edelman, Ivy L. Lee and Harold Burson.

The New York Times also reported on the Museum’s opening exhibition in a interview with founder Shelley Spector:

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