VeggiEat Project – Free lunch for people over 65 years old

For an EU funded project around healthy eating, we are seeking to recruit people aged 65+who would like to come to the University and join members of the research team for a free lunch on Wednesday 21st December 2016.

To participate is very easy:

*   Book a place by sending an email at or calling Dr Vanessa Mello Rodrigues on 07478501713
*   Choose the most suitable time: 12.00 or 13.10h

*   Invite a friend or relatives who are also 65+ (if you wish!)

On the 21st December:

Come to Bournemouth University Talbot Campus (The Fusion building); choose among three hot dishes which will be available for lunch, enjoy your lunch and answer a questionnaire about your experience.

Limited places available. Please, book soon if you wish to guarantee your place.


