Supporting the UHD-BU partnership, UHD Governor Keith Mitchell organised an Understanding Health Talk. With 274 Trust and members of the public packing St Saviour’s Church, this was the best attended meeting the Trust had ever had.
Professor Robert Middleton, drew on his experience of 25 years working at UHD to discuss how hip fracture and osteoarthritis could be prevented and so avoid being one of his patients.
Drawing on data from the Orthopaedic Research Institute (ORI) at Bournemouth University, the latest research was presented.
Exercise, diet and weight loss were the key factors.
Cycling Against Hip Pain (CHAIN) is a six week programme that improves the symptoms of Hip Arthritis in over 80% of people completing the course. At 5 years, 60% of participants had avoided a hip replacement.
A secondary benefit of CHAIN is improving Lifespan and Healthspan. Lifespan is how long you live and Healthspan is how long you have a healthy life living independently. This can now be predicted accurately by measuring VO2max. Key exercises to improve Healthspan to equal Lifespan were discussed.
The CHAIN programme is now available as a FREE App, search ORI Education at Google and the Apple App store, or find more information here – Orthopaedic Research Institute | ORI Education App.