ORI publish FitPro blog on long-term recovery from COVID-19

FitPro Blog

Tom Wainwright and Louise Burgess have published a review on the longer-term rehabilitation of patients following COVID-19 in the Fitness Professionals Ltd (FitPro) newsletter and blog.

FitPro is the largest fitness development company in the world, with over 150,000 members in 84 countries, including personal trainers, nutritionists, and sports and exercise professionals. The review aims to guide exercise professionals on the late-stage recovery from COVID-19, and highlights important physiological and psychological considerations for individuals who seek advice on returning to physical activity and exercise. Following rehabilitation within the health service, exercise-professionals will be well-placed to facilitate a safe return to exercise, underpinned by considerations specific to COVID-19 and the sequela of its acute presentation.

Tom Wainwright said:

We were delighted to be invited to contribute to the FitPro newsletter and blog. Following rehabilitation from COVID-19 within the health service, many individuals will want to get back to regular exercise and this should be encouraged. The aim of this article is to help exercise professionals advising these individuals, by providing them with information about COVID-19 and the likely effects of the illness

The article can be accessed here.