Early September saw Tom Wainwright and Shay Bahadori from ORIBU attend training on Primus RS at BTE Headquarters in Baltimore, USA. The four day training included attendees with diverse background such as occupational therapists (OTs) and physiotherapists (PTs) from hospitals in England, Scotland and Ireland. The team visited the John Hopkins Hospital and Curtis National Hand Center and talked to OTs and PTs about their experiences with BTE Primus, how it is used to treat patients using the therapeutic functionality of the machine, and its capability to replicate nearly all activities of daily living.
The visits were followed by two days of interactive training on the features of Primus RS. The versatile and functional smart physical therapy equipment offers multi-joint testing, orthopaedic rehabilitation, neuromuscular re-education, and advanced musculoskeletal athletic training of the upper and lower extremities and the core. Further training included evaluation, rehabilitation and tracking progress from initial patient evaluation through rehabilitation and return to function, with isotonic, isometric, isokinetic and continuous passive moment (CPM) resistance modes.
ORI would like to thank BTE and Physiquipe for hosting and organising this highly participatory, friendly and efficient training course and look forward to using the Primus RS in upcoming research topics.