In–house geophysical survey resources:
- Geoscan Research RM15 + multiplexer with PA20, PA3 and PA5 array systems
- Geoscan Research MSP40 Multi–sensor platform
- Geoscan Research FM256 Fluxgate Gradiometer
- Geoscan Research FM36 Fluxgate Gradiometers
- Bartington Grad601 Dual Fluxgate Gradiometers
- Bartington MS2 Magnetic Susceptibility Field System with D and F sensors
- Bartington MS2 Magnetic Susceptibility Bench System with B sensor
- Bartington MS3 Magnetic Susceptibility Field System with D sensor and Trimble logger
- Mala RAMAC GPR with 250, 500 and 800MHz Shielded antennas
- Scintrex SM4G Caesium Gradiometer with cart system
- Geonics EM38B Slingram Electromagnetic instrument
- Tigre 64 electrode Electrical Imaging System
- White’s DFX E–Series Metal Detector with 9.5” and 5.3” search coils and Bullseye.